Creating A Silent Key (SK) article requires two items; (1) a picture of the individual, (2) text about his personal life and ham radio activities. Click save as you go through the process to make sure you do not loose your work.

You will not see the "Silent Keys" Publishing menu unless you are logged into the web site. Minimum user privileged is "Registered", the site user default.

Steps to create the article:

  1. Open "Publishing/SK Article" in the main menu
  2. Enter the Call Sign as the Title
  3. Click on the Images and Links tab

Enter article Text:

  1. Click the "Content" tab
  2. Enter your text in the editor
  3. Insert a "Read More" link in your article to limit the text to a few initial lines. You may have to experiment with the position based on how the text looks on the web page.
  4. Status must be set to "Published" for the article to be visible
  5. Make sure the Category is set to "Silent Keys"
  6. Access should be set to "Public"

Intro Image:

  1. Hit the Select button in the Intro Image section
  2. Select the "SK" directory at the left of the file browser
  3. open the File browser on your desktop
  4. Click Upload in the upper right of the screen
  5. Drag the file from your file browser to the Upload screen input area.
  6. Click Upload at the bottom right of the upload input box
  7. Select the file in the file list (check box checked)
  8. Hit insert
  9. The image will display in the Intro Image box

Full Article Image:

  1. Hit the Select button in the Full Article Image section
  2. Select the "SK" directory at the left of the file browser
  3. open the File browser on your desktop
  4. Click Upload in the upper right of the screen
  5. Drag the file from your file browser to the Upload screen input area.
  6. Click Upload at the bottom right of the upload input box
  7. Select the file in the file list (check box checked)
  8. Hit insert
  9. The image will display in the Full Article Image box

Publishing Tab:

  1. Set the Start Publishing date
  2. Set the Created Date
  3. Select your user name in the Created By field
  4. Enter a "Created By Alias" using your First Initial last name and your call sign (i.e. G Wolfe - KIØKK). ALT+0216 on your key pad will enter the Ø character in your call sign.

Save or Save & Close

 Your article will display in the "About US/Silent Key"s" menu.  You will see the Intro Image followed by some site data with a small section of the article text followed by a "Read More" button. You may click on the image or the "Read More" button to see your full article text text including your Full Article Image.