This help article is for users with Editor or higher User Access Rights.
If you have saved an edited article and wish to return to a previous version you may select the "Versions" button and choose a previous version of the article and click "Restore". This button will be a the top of the Administrator Editor screen or at the bottom of a front end edit screen.
When editing an article a user may wish to create a copy of the article to preserve their original content. A copy of an article may be created by clicking the drop down arrow to the right of "Save & Close" and selecting "Save as Copy". This will create a new article with a number in () at the appended to the "Title". Also a "-1" will be appended to the The "Alias".
If you edit the copy the edits will not appear in your original article since it has a different "Alias" than the original article. You cannot edit the copy article "Alias" to the original "Alias" since this will result in a duplication of the Alias and an error when saving the copy. "Save & Close" the copy of the article and return to your original article to do your edits.
If you make an error or do not like how the edits changed your article you may use the copy article to return to the original text. Open the article copy and select the "Code" tab at the top right of the editor. Go to the beginning of the text and type CNRTL "A" to select all text and then type CNTRL "C" to copy all of the text. Return to the original article and select the "Code" tab. Type CNTRL "A" in the "Code" screen then hit the "DELETE" key to remove all text. Go to the beginning of the screen and type CNTRL"V" to copy all text and formatting into the original article. Once you are satisfied with the original article edits Save & Close.