Events Calendar
Kansas QSO Party (Day 1)
Saturday, August 26, 2023, 09:00am - 09:00pm
Hits : 607
by Treasurer
For event rules see the Kansas QSO Party (KQP) Web Site:
Club Operating Locations -
- Del, KØDDS, and others will be operating at Del's Edgerton trailer as the main club station for KQP.
- Larry, KDØRIU, and Eric will be operating at Ensor using the club trailer (CW & FT8/FT4) using both KSØKS and WØE.
- Ralph, NØKC, will be operating 6M on several modes as WØE.
Club Member Instructions for Operating as KSØKS -
- Only one station on a band/mode may use the club call, KSØKS, at the same time. Please sign up using the link below.
- If you wish to operate from home using the club call please co-ordinate your time mode and band using the Google Spreadsheet:
- Make sure you logbook is setup as KSØKS for this event.
- Co-ordinate FT8/FT4 operation with Larry, KDØRIU.
Location Del's Edgerton Antenna Farm