At least 16 members of the club found their way to the Ararat Shrine Activity Center in Kansas City, Mo., the morning of Saturday, April 15, for Hambash 2023, which was hosted by the Ararat Shrine Amateur Radio Club.
President Jeff Darby, KSØJD, former President Greg Wolfe, KIØKK, Secretary-Treasurer Marty Peters, KEØPEZ, and Howard Cripe, NØAZ, manned the two tables the club had reserved for the event. They were used to display both various items associated with Ensor Park and Museum and an array of items that were for sale.
Four other members of the club, Joe Krout, KRØUT, Phil Campbell, KCØZNI, George Blake, W6BDD, and Peg Nichols, KDØVQO, sat behind their own tables with items they were more than willing to part with, amateur radio equipment in the case of Joe and Phil, and books in the case of George and Peg.
Also on hand for the event were Tom Apalenek, WA2IVD, Robert Orr, KCØKDG, Ralph Crumrine, NØKC, Jim Andera, KØNK, George McCarville, WBØCNK, Duke Neeland, WØQQ, Greg Wolfe, KIØKK, Zach Brittain, KFØLQW, and myself.
A special guest of the Ararat Shrine Amateur Radio Club was a Hiram Percy Maxim look-alike who was "armed" with a Wouff-Hong just in case he observed any hams who were behaving improperly.
Maxim, W1AW, co-founded the American Radio Relay League in 1914.
The proceeds from Hambash 2023 will be used to support the Ararat Shriners and their charitable activities.