Tallgrass Coin003

Santa Fe Trail Amateur Radio Club received a letter from The National Park Service thanking the club for our volunteer hours that we performed on Saturday, April 21, 2019. The SFTARC operated a mini-DXpediton to the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve near Strong City, KS.

Responding to an invitation from National Park Service personnel at the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, we operated as a Parks-on-the-Air (POTA) station.  K-3673 is the POTA-assigned designator for the Tallgrass.

Included with the letter were certificates addressed to each participant and a Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve coin shown above.  This quarter depicting the Tallgrass is part of the 2020 America The Beautiful Quarters® Program.  In 2020, only five parks were selected for the honor of being depicted on this special-edition Quarter, with the Tallgrass being one of those.  More information on this quarters program can be found at

The Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve has been a most gracious host to our special event and POTA operations for several years.  Ranger Heather Brown, who signed the letter, has been wonderful to work with; she truly appreciates our efforts at the Tallgrass.

Those SFTARC members receiving the letter, certificate and the special quarter are: Joe, KR0UT; Jim, AC0OW; Del, K0DDS; Bob, KC0TZX; Tom, WA2IVD and Jim, K0NK.  K0NK currently has the certificates and will work to distribute them to the recipients in the coming weeks.

View the letter and certificate below:

Tallgrass Letter001


Tallgrass Cert 2019002